Soccer time again - we don't let a little winter weather slow us down! Just move indoors! Have to stock up on gauze pads and neosporin for the "turf" burns though - you can see the "wounds" on our goalie who is having way too much fun!! :-) Lots more pics at flickr, but here are my faves for the week...
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Sunday, January 27, 2008
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
Seriously? Seriously!
Celebrating Andrew's and Grandma's birthdays last night....we were in the living room at my parents, following dinner, opening presents (after enjoying cake and ice cream in the dining room).
Andrew received this card...

Andrew received this card...

After presents were all opened, John stepped out into the dining room and suddenly shouted when he saw this...

And, the guilty party, Skippy ~ the Wonder Dog ~, caught in the act, quickly jumped off the table and scurried to the safety of his bed.

"...remember, never trust a dog to watch your birthday cake..." Can't say no one warned us! Seriously? Seriously!
You can read Skippy's version of this birthday cake gluttony at his own blog ~ Skippy the Wonder Dog.