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Saturday, June 28, 2008

First Email Received!*

Well, first email* was received from Andrew (recipients were Grandma and Grandpa!!) -- he says that he's SENDING A LETTER this past week to Mom (AAGH - how long is that going to take to get here????? Guess we'll find out!! *(actually....technically, it is the 2nd email - He did email Mom as soon as he arrived -- good son that he is :-) - to let me know that he had arrived safely!)

Anyway, sounds like he's doing great -- says he LOVES the food - can't wait to find out exactly what he's eating!! So far his training has been just in language (Swahili) so he's getting very eager to get out into the field and get going - which according to the schedule he gave me before leaving should be pretty soon (he's with a host family right now but training will continue until August 20th - pretty sure the training will move beyond language, however, and move into the agri-field soon).

Here are some final pics before his departure - first at home with Grandma & Grandpa, then with Nana (yep - 97!) :-)

Then...departure morning at the airport -- we're all trying to smile :-(

AND...he does have a blog set up for this incredible experience if you want to check it out - although it has not been updated since he actually left the country - so I'm not sure if he's discovered that power is going to be issue after all - guess we'll all find out together!!

Andrew's Peace Corps Blog

SO...ANDREW, if you happen to check in here and read this -- hey, drop your mom an email, ok?? Love you, bud! :-)

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Kipepeo ~ or 4:30am & What's a Mom to Do?

It's 4:30am ~ he's leaving on a 9:25 am flight for Washington, D.C. and then in 3 days headed to Africa for more than 2 years...and he knows approximately 5 - 10 words in Swahili. Helpful words like fox, elephant, goodbye, fly, and, my absolute favorite ~ "kipepeo" ~ butterfly. Is there any wonder a mother can't sleep?

And yet, perhaps, "kipepeo" will ultimately be my assurance for him. These past 4 1/2 months have brought foundational-shifting changes to all our lives ~ difficult, painful, challenging, necessary, and still shifting, changing. A few weeks ago, I spoke with a dear friend about such pivotal, life-altering change, and she reminded me of a wonderful "summer of butterflies" in her backyard when our children were young together. "Do you remember the cocoons, just before the butterflies emerged?" she asked. I did. They were not a pretty sight, gauzy, twisted, webby orbs, oozing and bulging ~ but, yet, a metamorphasis necessary for the beautiful wonder of a yard full of colorful new butterflies.

If nothing ever changed, there'd be no butterflies. ~ Anonymous

Kipepeo, indeed. I think he will be just fine. And so will his mom.