Anyway, sounds like he's doing great -- says he LOVES the food - can't wait to find out exactly what he's eating!! So far his training has been just in language (Swahili) so he's getting very eager to get out into the field and get going - which according to the schedule he gave me before leaving should be pretty soon (he's with a host family right now but training will continue until August 20th - pretty sure the training will move beyond language, however, and move into the agri-field soon).
Here are some final pics before his departure - first at home with Grandma & Grandpa, then with Nana (yep - 97!) :-)

Then...departure morning at the airport -- we're all trying to smile :-(

Andrew's Peace Corps Blog
SO...ANDREW, if you happen to check in here and read this -- hey, drop your mom an email, ok?? Love you, bud! :-)