~DIVING IN Earrings

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"No worries, Mom!"
Yes, I've had another long-awaited (whew!) email from Tanzania and, thanks to the "wonders" of Facebook, a picture as well of Andrew "in Peace Corps action!" (he's on the far left, wearing his "signature" beanie!). As a Mom, it is so good to hear from him and yes, so good to see him looking well! He tells me that he's completed his language training (Kiswahili) and has been shadowing another "mental" (the slang term for Andrew's position - "environmentalist").
Official training period is rapidly coming to a close, and he will be returning to Dar Es Salaam soon to be sworn in officially and receive his village assignment where he will serve for 2 years. And yes, he promises that he IS getting a cell phone when he gets to Dar so I'm really looking forward to that first phone call!
AND...Andrew even found time to update his Peace Corps blog so be sure to check it out!
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