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Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Thursday, February 18, 2010

Well, it's no secret what I'm giving thanks for today! :) What a shower of blessings my dear granddaughter has been and continues to be every single day ~ I am amazed at how quickly the past year as gone by. It really does seem like just yesterday that I was holding her in my arms, just hours after her birth, my heart filled with overwhelming joy and love. That love and joy grows each day as I see her grow ~ and I celebrate her birthday today knowing that Abigail Elizabeth is a special, wonderful little girl, dearly loved by many. Happy Birthday, Abby!
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Monday, February 15, 2010
A year ago this week we were eagerly and not-so-patiently awaiting the birth of my first grandchild, Abigail Elizabeth -- yes, as trite as it sounds -- time does fly! It truly seems like only yesterday that my beautiful daughter was captured in this pose...
And each day brought us closer to the anticipated arrival ~ surrounding our newest baby girl, the fifth generation (!), with prayers of peaceful love. No doubt about it, when she made her debut, she did so with grace and peace ~ has it really been a year? Happy Birthday Week, Abby! Mimi loves you :)
And each day brought us closer to the anticipated arrival ~ surrounding our newest baby girl, the fifth generation (!), with prayers of peaceful love. No doubt about it, when she made her debut, she did so with grace and peace ~ has it really been a year? Happy Birthday Week, Abby! Mimi loves you :)
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Friday, February 5, 2010
I wandered onto one of my favorite sites the other night and found some most wonderful Valentines! Anthropologie has unique gifts for every special loved one on your list, including yourself, of course :)
~ Upsy Daisy Mug This is perfect for sharing cups of tea, cocoa, coffee with that special someone - be sure to order a pair!

These will take you back to a simpler time and are perfect for sharing your love with all the special ones in your life!
~ Valentine in a Bottle The perfect way to leave just a "little note" for that special someone that will tug at heartstrings in such a big way!
Find yourself tongue-tied or at a loss for words when it comes to matters of the heart? Then this is the book for you! Try sharing a bit on one of the following see what happens! :)

Monday, February 1, 2010
You know it's time to "embrace your age" when...
- your Facebook doppelganger is Diane Keaton and you're actually flattered...
- your "not-much-younger" (!!) brother tells you the following joke and you find it very funny ~
Rod Stewart has a new song out - "Da Ya Think I'm Sixty?"
You know it's time to "embrace your age" when...
- your youngest daughter informs you that AARP has announced the age group doing the most "sexting" is over 50...
- same daughter tells you, in an attempt to make you "feel better" that none of her friends can believe that you're really that old????
- same daughter (she's on a roll...) points out how close you're getting to the senior special at area restaurants...