Yes, it IS February 13th.....do you have YOUR Valentine's gifts ready? No need to panic! No need to "hit the mall" in a mad rush....or tackle the florist as he/she makes a delivery next door! A few suggestions and links to get you through the day ~
First, most beauty/spa/salons now offer great deals and certificates which often can be printed right from your computer! And yes, we would love a "day of beauty" -- massage, new haircut, manicure, pedicure, -- aah! Pair that with a promise of a romantic dinner out afterwards and you 've got a winning combination!
Really like the idea of flowers? Ok....Valentine's Day Shop 2008: Last-Minute Flowers - lots of choices! Knock yourself out!! And it's not too late!
Now here's an interesting idea....how about sending your "Valentine" out for the day this coming weekend (Saturday) -- say, to go shopping - or to spend some time with friends - while you, give the house, apartment, condo, etc. a GOOD "Valentine" loving cleaning ~ especially if this is something that your Valentine usually handles. Believe me, this gift will be greatly appreciated....this gift works even better if combined with a romantic dinner at the end. :-)
My final recommendation, naturally, would be jewelry ~ and, this year, why not let your Valentine pick the perfect gift for herself and gift her with a SignatureSterling gift certificate, available in various amounts. These are in the Valentine section of the shop and once purchased can be printed right from your computer or emailed to your Valentine.

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