Welcome to the 2nd Annual Bead Hoarders Blog Hop hosted by the always gracious and wonderfully talented Lori Anderson of Pretty Things. I did not participate in this last year (and almost didn't make it this year, lol), but am very happy to be a part of it today :) . The premise of this hop is to gather those beads that you've been holding on to for a while - in some cases, years - and finally create something with them. In other words, it's a swift kick in the butt the inspiration to design something using materials that you have on hand (and have had sitting around for a long time...). After we share our creations today, we commence "hopping" and hope that you will join us (the list of participants is posted on Lori's blog (link above and below). You will find some beautiful "pretties" and maybe some new favorite artisans as well!
First, the photo above shows my selected hoard of beads. The green and white artisan lampwork beads I'm fairly certain are from Lori Robbins which means I've had them since 2007 (eek...). I purchased the sparkly deep green artisan lampwork ones from DerondaDesigns not quite so long ago... 2008 (I know...).
Here is the bracelet I finally designed with these stunning lampwork beauties, combined with green aventurine, Swarovski pearls and crystals, and sterling silver rounds, findings, and clasp.
Please join me in hopping through Lori's blog to see her incredible pretties and on to the other talented artisans in the list posted there - grab a cup of joe, cocoa, or if it's a little later and you're feeling so inclined.... - and settle in to see some beautiful jewelry and post some comments :) Thanks for stopping by!
What a lovely creation you made, now those treasures can shine for everyone to see !
Beautiful! Isn't great to de-stash!
Really pretty lampwork and those beads are perfect to showcase them. Lovely bracelet.
Lovely work.. wear with pride!!
I adore the beautiful green shades in this bracelet!
Excellent! When I have beads I've kept that long, I have a big problem -- I failed to keep the name of the artist! Eek! Lesson learned.
Thank you so much for participating, and don't forget to post your pieces in the special Pinterest board, http://www.pinterest.com/limamike/bead-hoarders-blog-hop/, and join the Facebook group (also welcome to your friends) www.BeadSoupCafe.com -- hope to see you at other hops!
I kind of needed a kick in the pants to go through and rediscover some older beads too. Glad you joined in and made a very pretty bracelet to share. I think you'll get lots of compliments this holiday season while wearing it.
I love the brilliant greens with the sterling, Sue... really a joyous holiday piece :)
Beautiful! Thank you for sharing your work with us. Your finished piece is really inspired.
You showcased those lovelies so well.
An outstanding bracelet and perfect for the season. I hope you enjoy wearing it.
What a lovely bracelet especially for the holiday season!
Lovely lovely bracelet and the color is awesome!
Beautiful! I love greens, and this makes me think that I can kick or inspire myself too and use some of my beads in the coming months.
What a lovely bracelet. Beautiful color.
Beautiful bracelet perfect for the season!
Hi Sue your bracelet is beautiful. The color is lovely. I have been doing more with green lately and my hop piece is also green.
Stunning bracelet. What beautiful beads! Must have felt so good to finally use them after buying them so many years ago :-)
You chose your greens so well they look wonderful together, makes me dream of spring again!
Those greens are gorgeous! Love the bracelet! Enjoy your holiday wearing it. Isn't it crazy how time flies and before we know it the beads have been around so long. ;)
Beautiful Bracelet. I too would enjoy wearing that one. Love the Green
Lovely the way the shades of green, white and silver all build on each other to make the bracelet more than the sum of its parts. Perfect!
Beautiful bracelet.Big size piece has slight dark green color which is matching in other dark green color beads so it makes it more nice.
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