This 'lil guy is called the "etsy dude" and he is the mascot of a new website called "buyhandmade.org" where you can "pledge" to buy handmade for the holidays and ask others to do the same for you......now how cool is that!!!! The site went live yesterday and as of just a few minutes ago has over 1200 pledges globally -- I'm pledge #451, in case you're interested :-). Artists and buyers alike are pledging and it's so awesome to read the quotes - a real movement afoot! I encourage you to check it out, and even more so, I urge you to take the pledge and forward the site to those who "shop" for you.
Why buy handmade?
Buying handmade is better for people, better for the environment, and better for giving truly special and well-crafted gifts. The ascendancy of chain store culture and global manufacturing has left us all dressing, furnishing, and decorating alike. The connection between producer and consumer has been lost. Buying handmade helps them reconnect.
We encourage all consumers to be aware of the social and environmental implications of their purchases.
I am sure the "etsy dude" would wish you all - Peace....
I pledged yesterday too! :) I'm #401!
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