This is the latest addition to the Buckeye Nation line, "Three Wishes" - it will be in the shop sometime this weekend.....it is a sterling silver wrapped ring nestling, "3 wishes" of every Buckeye fan represented by light and dark gray Swarovski pearls with a center Czech glass round which adds that accent of scarlet while also giving a look of a "buckeye." So, just what are the "3 Buckeye Wishes"? Why, quite simple ~ 1. a victory over that team up north (we don't like to mention names....); 2. a Big 10 championship and 3......well, the third wish can be up to the owner of the ring ~ one might simply wish for a bowl win OR you might go for broke and wish for the BCS championship....why not! It's an awesome season!
~More fave soccer pics from last night's games!

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