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Tuesday, June 30, 2009


I recently received the "Premio Meme Award" from my dear friend Donna of CtbyDonna, an extremely talented artisan jewelry designer whom I admire greatly. Thanks much, Donna, for passing this on to me, and I encourage you to stop by Donna's shops where you'll find beautiful "Creative Treasures by Donna" ~

The rules of this award is that I am to give 7 facts about myself and pass it on to 7 people. So, seven "interesting" (well, we'll see...) facts about me:
  1. I used to be an elementary school music teacher.
  2. I once broke my leg while in the hospital....riding a food cart while volunteering as a "candy striper" aka "fooling around on the job."
  3. I can sing....well, at least I used to be able to sing....and used to be able to play a fairly mean keyboard and piano. I still enjoy music very much.
  4. I used to be a high school English teacher.
  5. I used to be an office manager, a church music director, a Director of Christian Education, a chief of staff/ do you spell "career ADD"? :-)
  6. I have no sense of direction ~ seriously. But, it doesn't deter me from finding my way.
  7. I once slammed my head in the car door while arguing with my mother ~ ah, yes, a teenager trying to get the last word AND be dramatic by slamming the car door at the same time....hmmm, not a good combination!
And now, the "Premio Meme Award" is passed on to....
  1. brokenteepee
  2. maugustawoodland
  3. crysalliscreations
  4. merigreenleaf
  5. Christelle van Lingen Karooart Designs
  6. A Rose by Name
  7. Beneath the Rowan Tree

Monday, June 29, 2009


FOR TODAY, June 29, 2009

Outside my window...a cooler summer evening is rolling in, a welcome break from the heat we've been having.

I am thinking...of Hannah down at her goalie camp and hoping she is having great fun.

From the learning room...more fun to come with the altered pendants and alcohol inks and time to "play" with the turquoise this week.

From the will be a few weeks of learning to cook for one ~ should be interesting!

I am wearing...denim capris and a blue & white striped tee, comfy after my car ride home today.

I am creating...plans to finally get busy with the turquoise creation that's been busy in my head since the beads "found" me in Toronto.

I am relax tomorrow after the go, go, going of the weekend and "road-tripping."

I am reading...(finishing) Conversations with God (1) and looking forward to beginning Book 2 - still finding time for John and Abigail :-) and escaping through A Year in This World ~ also have the last Twilight book waiting for me :-).

I am hoping...that Hannah has an incredible few days at camp and a great trip back to Ohio; that we have a wonderful 4th of July celebration at Mom's.

I am hearing...the wind rustle the blinds at the windows ~ so nice to have them open and feel/smell the fresh air!

Around the house...oh, it does feel good to be home!

One of my favorite things...will be sharing Saturday with someone very close to my heart.

A few plans for the rest of the week:
looking ahead and making plans, continuing to work on the shop photos, new listings.

Here is a picture thought I am sharing...

Friday, June 26, 2009


Oh, I have been busy "playing with the beads" lately ~ always designing, creating, "playing" away...the problem arises in that I'm one of those right-brain individuals who finds such joy, passion, and sheer delight in the creative process that once I'm done....well, to be honest, it truly takes a swift personal self-kick in the seat (or at least a good wake-up call to the left-side of my brain!) to get "the rest of the story!"

You see, once the jewelry is "created" there's still the pricing, the photographing, the editing of photographs, the listing and descriptions to be written (well, at least that part can spark my right side again). Suffice it to say, sometimes, I'll get a stockpile of finished items due to my inevitable procrastination with this necessary left-brain activity. Consider this my personal confession...wish I could tell you'll do better in the future, but I know better...but I will give you a sneak peak at what will be showing up soon! Pics are done - just need to work on listings, will get done! :-)

"Playing with Fire" ~ carnelian, red sardonyx, red aventurine, sterling silver

"Soft Bouquet" Necklace ~ rose quartz, crystal quartz, cherry quartz, crazy lace agate, white jade, Czech glass, Swarovski crystals, sterling silver

"Red Velvet" Necklace ~ altered glass pendant, rhodonite, crazy lace agate, Czech glass, sterling silver

"Breakfast at Tiffany's" Necklace ~ Swarovski pearls, snowflake obsidian, sterling silver


Wednesday, June 24, 2009


Monday, June 22, 2009


FOR TODAY, June 22, 2009

Outside my window...bright summer morning sunshine is streaming in, promising a glorious day.

I am thinking...of Andrew and hoping that his PCV training film project is going well ~ looking forward to hearing more about it today when we hopefully chat.

From the learning room..."playing" with the new alcohol inks and glass, wire wrapping has resulted in two new pendants.

From the kitchen...we are keeping it "simple" after a weekend of eating out with friends and family :-)

I am yoga gear.

I am creating...going to work with the carnelian and turquoise that I brought back from Toronto ~ definitely a couple of necklaces "brewing" and earrings....hopefully a bracelet or two as well.

I am finally meet another dear friend who've I known for several months but it feels like forever :-)

I am reading...Conversations with God (1) and am still amazed with the connections being made...still enjoying John Adams, A Year in This World.

I am hoping...that we enjoy more "pool" time with Abby this week, that Anne and Mike's multiple moves are going smoothly, that our next road trip later this week is fun and safe ~ and brings Hannah what she's looking for in training and her goals.

I am hearing...PS 22 Chorus sing "Don't Stop Believing"

Around the can tell we're home again - LOL!

One of my favorite things...seeing Abby experience her first "big" pool ~ she LOVES the water :-)

A few plans for the rest of the week:
finalize arrangements for Hannah's trip to Vanderbilt; coffee(s) with two wonderful friends; re-doing photos in the shops (a long, ongoing project)

Here is a picture thought I am sharing...

Friday, June 19, 2009


Hannah came back from France with over 500 incredible photographs - relax...I won't be posting them all here - but I have to say, for a 16-year-old amateur photographer (and yes, as her mother), she has an incredible "eye." So, I will be posting just a few favorites every Friday for you to enjoy - her love of architecture, art, nature, and people "at play" have provided a look at Paris and Brittany and I have enjoyed the trip vicariously for the time being :-).

Many, many thanks to my dear friend, Donna of Creative Treasures by Donna for bestowing this award upon me :-). If you have not checked out Donna's beautiful artisan jewelry, you need to stop by her blog and check out her lovely creations.

So, how does the "One Lovely Blog Award" work?
This is how it works:

1. Add the logo to your blog
2. Link to the person whom you received this award.
3. Nominate 7 or more blogs.
4. Leave a message letting them know that they received the “lovely blog award.”

Here we go....I now bestow.... Let the "linking" begin!

1. Cindy's Art and Soul
2. Bead Nest Designs
3. The Jewelry Box
4. Rants and Raves of a New Age Chick
5. Red Bess Bonney
6. Rosevine Design
7. Islandgirl's Insights

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

WORDLESS WEDNESDAY - What a Wonderful Week!

Monday, June 15, 2009


FOR TODAY, June 15, 2009
Outside my friend's garden is luscious and full...
I am thinking...of Hannah enjoying her final day "across the pond" and looking forward
to many wonderful stories when I see her.

From the learning room..."remembering WHO I am" and how awesome is that...

From the oldest and dearest friend is in the midst of packing - boxes for here and for a cross-country (literally) move.

I am wearing...NOT my pj's (ha!!) believe it or not, but am dressed for a day of exploring and enjoying the city.

I am creating...finally got the alcohol inks, etc. and the grooved glass squares arrived before I arrived - now need to find time to "play" when I get back home.

I am finally meet a dear friend who've I known for two years but have never seen - yes, indeed! An exciting day!

I am reading...Conversations with God (1) and am amazed...still enjoying John Adams and also enjoying A Year in This World.

I am hoping...that Hannah's flight home tomorrow is safe and uneventful - as is Nancy and Didier's, her dear chaperones; that Mom has some cheery "Abby-fixes" :-) - those smiles and coos are so good for the soul; that I don't get too terribly lost navigating Toronto today ;-).

I am hearing...distant city sounds, but pleasant morning quiet - children playing outside.

Around the house...I am ready for Hannah's homecoming - settled and ready for the busy summer ahead.

One of my favorite "soccer girl" her first big hug when she comes off the plane tomorrow night - I have missed her much.

A few plans for the rest of the week:
making arrangements for Hannah's trip to Vanderbilt the end of this month; playing with my new alcohol inks; hoping to find Sassy Beads this afternoon on my way home from lunch; having a wonderful conversation about CWG with a great friend.

Here is a picture thought I am sharing...

Ella giving kisses

Friday, June 12, 2009


Life is a journey, never straight, full of beautiful landscapes, often the occasional quiet ~ perhaps, yes, even boring ~ stretch of road, and yes, with the inevitable bumps and bouts of construction. And so, a recently listed mantra is updated...

Remember the past, live in the now, look hopefully to the future.

Life is a journey. Peace...

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Saturday, June 6, 2009


I'm sitting in the breakfast nook of my childhood friend, the woman who has known me the longest in my life - save any family member - and still calls me "dear friend," gazing out the window at a hummingbird easily skip from one pink blossom to the next on the unnamed bush outside. The courtyard urban garden is lush in this early Toronto summer and the smell of lilacs is strong and heady, so wonderful.

It has been a beautiful day - warm and sunny - and full - of conversation, friendship, reminiscing, good food, window shopping, fun finds, and new mantras to ponder and hold close...

  • Embrace change.
  • Walk, but don't run.
  • Remember...
  • We need people who know all of us, not just a part of us.
  • Keep calm; carry on.

It has been a good trip.


Thursday, June 4, 2009


A couple of "treats" to share - one for the eyes and one for the mind or the soul...

First, an Etsy treasury I created "in honor" of Dad's love for glads....entitled "4 the Glad man" (Pastor Ann's message at his Celebration of Life Service was aptly titled, "The Glad Man"). Such beautiful flowers were just a small part of his legacy - the field is planted with only a fraction this summer of what he would usually do, but when the blooms arise, we will remember him.

Second, Andrew updated his blog recently and has been painfully, inspiringly honest about his journey and experience, especially in light of the recent challenges. I know that I found it especially meaningful and also motivating - hope you might as well.

Andrew's Peace Corps Blog ~ "Trying Times"


Wednesday, June 3, 2009


Monday, June 1, 2009


FOR TODAY, June 1, 2009

Outside my window...a morning summer thunderstom is brewing...

I am thinking...of Mom, of Hannah, of Andrew and am so very thankful for family and friends, old and new in my life.

From the learning room...Andrew's manual on Photoshop, my wiring books.

From the kitchen...need to call Mom and see if perhaps this might be Hannah's "chicken enchilada" night?!

I am robe (early morning run out for a quick car repair and now back to hit the shower!)

I am creating...did some "dumpster diving" at the bead shop this weekend and am eager to identify my finds with help from my online pals :-) and get designing with these.

I am going...Goodwill Hunting TODAY - woo-hoo!

I am reading...just finished a pure indulgence (Mary Higgens Clark - think I've read everything she's written..LOL!) and still working on John Adams - a wonderful read.

I am hoping...that Hannah's week of finals go well for her, that I make it across the border without too much angst (oops!), that Hannah has an incredible, life-remembering trip to France this week, that Mom has a wonderful time with us in Canada.

I am hearing...the sound of distant thunder.

Around the house...we are enjoying a quieter dog ~ who is "enjoying" his new muzzle.

One of my favorite things...will be visiting with my dear Abby and seeing how much she has grown (Mimi picked up a new outfit for her this weekend!).

A few plans for the rest of the week:
paperwork for Hannah's ODP team, more paperwork for Hannah's summer soccer plans :-), more paperwork for Hannah's college plans -- eek! she's going to be a senior now!, enjoying my weekly "check-in" with Andrew and finding out how life in Tanzania is going.

Here is a picture thought I am sharing...