FOR TODAY, June 1, 2009
Outside my window...a morning summer thunderstom is brewing...
I am thinking...of Mom, of Hannah, of Andrew and am so very thankful for family and friends, old and new in my life.
From the learning room...Andrew's manual on Photoshop, my wiring books.
From the kitchen...need to call Mom and see if perhaps this might be Hannah's "chicken enchilada" night?!
I am wearing...my robe (early morning run out for a quick car repair and now back to hit the shower!)
I am creating...did some "dumpster diving" at the bead shop this weekend and am eager to identify my finds with help from my online pals :-) and get designing with these.
I am going...Goodwill Hunting TODAY - woo-hoo!
I am reading...just finished a pure indulgence (Mary Higgens Clark - think I've read everything she's written..LOL!) and still working on John Adams - a wonderful read.
I am hoping...that Hannah's week of finals go well for her, that I make it across the border without too much angst (oops!), that Hannah has an incredible, life-remembering trip to France this week, that Mom has a wonderful time with us in Canada.
I am hearing...the sound of distant thunder.
Around the house...we are enjoying a quieter dog ~ who is "enjoying" his new muzzle.
One of my favorite things...will be visiting with my dear Abby and seeing how much she has grown (Mimi picked up a new outfit for her this weekend!).
A few plans for the rest of the week:
paperwork for Hannah's ODP team, more paperwork for Hannah's summer soccer plans :-), more paperwork for Hannah's college plans -- eek! she's going to be a senior now!, enjoying my weekly "check-in" with Andrew and finding out how life in Tanzania is going.
Here is a picture thought I am sharing...
Enjoyed your post. Love the picture thought.
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