Hannah came back from France with over 500 incredible photographs - relax...I won't be posting them all here - but I have to say, for a 16-year-old amateur photographer (and yes, as her mother), she has an incredible "eye." So, I will be posting just a few favorites every Friday for you to enjoy - her love of architecture, art, nature, and people "at play" have provided a look at Paris and Brittany and I have enjoyed the trip vicariously for the time being :-).

Many, many thanks to my dear friend, Donna of
Creative Treasures by Donna for bestowing this award upon me :-). If you have not checked out Donna's beautiful artisan jewelry, you need to stop by her blog and check out her lovely creations.
So, how does the "One Lovely Blog Award" work?
This is how it works:
1. Add the logo to your blog
2. Link to the person whom you received this award.
3. Nominate 7 or more blogs.
4. Leave a message letting them know that they received the “lovely blog award.”
Here we go....I now bestow.... Let the "linking" begin!
Cindy's Art and Soul2.
Bead Nest Designs3.
The Jewelry Box4.
Rants and Raves of a New Age Chick5.
Red Bess Bonney6.
Rosevine Design7.
Islandgirl's Insights
Wow! Your daughter really has potential in photographing! :) Ask her to keep on her great job!
Thanks so much! I really appreciate that! I will get it posted this weekend! Hope you get to enjoy yours! :) Blessings, Cindy
Hey Sue, thanks so much for the award! :)
The photos are fabulous!! I particularely like that first one :)
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