You can tell by the "widget" on here, if you haven't already heard (!), that I'm on "MIMI" watch -- aka waiting to become a "grandmother" for the first time (and yes, I am being Mimi because I have "issues" with the "g" word so there...I've admitted it).
My daughter, Sarah, and her husband, Mike, have been married almost 3 1/2 years now and are expecting their first child, a daughter, in just over a month so life is very exciting right now. They live just a few blocks away from "soccer girl" and myself -- a real blessing, especially at this time!
Sarah's favorite color has always been pink so it was no surprise that to celebrate the upcoming "delivery," the nursery was "decked" out in traditional pink and white, and a final baby shower we have scheduled this week is themed "Pretty in Pink." :-)
Being the "good" Mimi-in-training that I am, I am really enjoying browsing and shopping for my new little granddaughter -- I've got some wonderful "pink" lovelies for the shower this week! Here are some absolutely new favorite finds -- pretty in pink and so much more!
An adorable gift set from ArtFire's flatplatypus ~

A precious sleeping gown from thepatacakebaby on Etsy ~

This wonderful, cozy hat from Etsy's bubblegirlknits ~

Ready for Valentine's Day? How about this onesie from sweet3leafprints at Etsy ~

Be prepared in style with these fashionable burp cloths from ImNotSpoiledDesigns on ArtFire ~

Awwwwww! How cute and what a lucky baby!
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