First, just to clarify, the adorable puppy in "Wordless Wednesday" is not mine - she is Andrew's "Tusker" who keeps him company over in Tanzania (and also has a penchant for chewing things -- I think perhaps she may be telepathic with our Scout...hmmm...but, she is adorable, isn't she!). Here is our "sweet" pup (not really a pup, shhh! he thinks he is!).
Had a great "Mimi" day with Sarah today ~ although must say when I picked her up, her first words were, "Don't panic, but I was sick most of the night and had contractions for a while this morning, but it's ok, they've stopped and I just HAVE to go to the mall to get this stuff, so if you don't take me, I'll go by myself." EEK! Like I really had a choice then, huh?! All is quiet now in "high-alert" baby world, but I was watching her like a "Mimi-hawk" all day! :-) She picked out some wonderful new mommy sleepwear (a gift from me -- and very appropriate as one of the sets' brands was "Mimi") and got an adorable outfit for baby "Rachel" (not the little one's real name - family joke since we're being kept in the dark and that's what we all guessed!) to come home from the hospital in....we "topped off" our day by "finishing off" our feet with much deserved pedicures ~ well, at least she certainly deserved hers :-).

REMINDER....this weekend will be the FINAL days of the Valentine's Sale in the Etsy shop (sale ends at Sunday, midnight) -- if you haven't checked out these specials, be sure to stop by and do so this weekend. Other Artisan Beaders also are offering specials and you can see their shops at this link. Now's the time to get that special Valentine a treat....or treat yourself!

Do I really make a difference by playing FreeRice?The rice you donate makes a huge difference to the person who receives it. According to the United Nations, about 25,000 people die each day from hunger or hunger-related causes, most of them children. Though 10 grains of rice may seem like a small amount, it is important to remember that while you are playing, so are thousands of other people at the same time. It is everyone together that makes the difference. Thanks to you, FreeRice has generated enough rice to feed more than two million people since it started in October 2007.
TGIF, everyone!
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