The topic is "Christmas Gift Ideas" and at first I must admit I shied away from posting because my thoughts were about what I actually might be planning for gifts. So, why would I want to post the "surprises" here where the recipient might discover them before Christmas morning?
But, in light of the increasing recalls on children's toys and a conversation I had with my mother regarding "big box" retailers vs. independently owned toy shops and the upcoming Christmas season, my "Christmas Gift Ideas" headed in a different direction. My daughter, a preschool teacher, asked me if such recalls were common when she was a child, and I said, no, not to the extent that we are experiencing now. I told her that I had recently discussed the situation with her grandmother who reflected that she believed small shops, which carried traditional, "made in America" toys, and offered personal assistance/information regarding products would no doubt do much better this holiday season than some of the "big box" retailers given the widespread recalls. I must agree.
In fact, just today, I was thrilled to hand-deliver a new baby gift that I purchased from an Etsy seller, GreenBeanBoutique, knowing that it was handmade with safe, quality products - and the new mom was equally happy and impressed with this new source of handmade, quality items. I know that I've willingly taken the "buy handmade" pledge for this upcoming holiday season. And given the current condition of our commercial toy market, I would encourage all of us to share this option with everyone we know. BUY HANDMADE ~ not recalled!
Great title for your post! And yes I totally agree...I don't remember so many toys being recalled when I was a kid! Go handmade!! Go!!!!
Great post. Please keep participating in the blog carnivals. The more we spread the Etsy word the better for all of us.
Thanks for linking to me in your post :) I'm enjoying making these dolls. I also get my doll supplies from a work at home family business, and *they* get their wool from another family business :) It's a fun circle that I feel good about participating in.
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