Andrew arrived home Wednesday evening from school for Thanksgiving break with the news that he had received a call enroute from Chicago. His Peace Corps recruiter called him to let him know that Drew had been accepted officially (received a nomination) to a new Corps project operating in Sub-Saharan Africa in the area of crop expansion. Andrew was thrilled and accepted the nomination which means he will be leaving in June, one month after graduation.
He will learn more ~ like exactly WHERE he's going ~ later this spring as the area itself is rather huge (you can see the map below!!). But, to "narrow" the area down a bit....the Peace Corps is only active in countries where it is welcome/invited (not all countries in the region are active Corps countries obviously) and Drew was also told that most of the coastal countries are French-speaking so he probably would not be sent to one of those.
It is a very exciting time for him as this is something he has worked very hard for ~ at the same time, for all of us, it is a time for us to realize that these special times ~ Thanksgiving, Christmas, his birthday after Christmas... ~ will be the "last" ones that we all share together for a few years...WOW! That part is hard to fathom.

Sub-Saharan Africa
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