- FIRST....the windows are open and it SMELLS like SPRING!! Woo-hoo!! YAY!!!! Loving this weather :-)
- Guess what arrived this morning to make my day!

- I have been a HUGE fan of SOCK MONKEYS ever since my "little" Sarah (now a "mommy" herself) was a premature little sweetheart and her daddy placed one in her hospital nursery 'bed' right after she had been released from the NICU...

- So, I had a great time window shopping and "faving" some great sock monkey finds this week -- take a peek and see what you think! I'm hoping to share some of these soon with my new sweetheart, Abby! :-)

Any little one would be stylin' with these coveralls from JustKiddn ~ how cute are these!!

At this time of year, who could resist an adorable sock monkey "tip-toeing through the tulips" from Sockmonkeycards?

Hey, if you know babies...you know babies burp and you know that you want to have one of these handy from ClaireandJanae!

- And, what I think will be new favorites in my Etsy shop (once I get them listed...soon -- probably tonight or tomorrow) :-)


Wonderful favorites. It's always great to have things that make us happy.
thanks so much for featuring me! Mention this blog and get free shipping! claireandjanae.etsy.com
Hi Sue,
thanks so much for including Mae, my glass bead focal sock monkey. I have found a new few favorites because of you. I like your taste. And that necklace of yours is wonderful.
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